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Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular No. 11 |
29-08-2023 |
License surrender of Nagad Finance PLC. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Payment Systems Department, |
PSD Circular Letter No. 05/2023 |
28-08-2023 |
Regarding determination of uniform service charge of MFS for implementation of Universal Pension Scheme. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Debt Management Department, |
DMD Circular Letter No. 06 |
27-08-2023 |
Allotment of Sukuk bonds in favor of investors. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Foreign Exchange Policy, |
FE Circular No 13 |
24-08-2023 |
Export subsidy or cash incentive for the FY 2023/2024 |
Income Tax, |
SRO no. 253/AIN/Income Tax/2023 |
23-08-2023 |
Minimum Tax considered as final settlement of Tax |
Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular Letter No. 18 |
22-08-2023 |
Name change of LankaBangla Finance limited to LankaBangla Finance PLC. |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
22-08-2023 |
Name change of LankaBangla Finance limited to LankaBangla Finance PLC. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular Letter No. 19 |
22-08-2023 |
Deducting source tax from profit against term deposit of mutual fund. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Off-Site Supervision Department, |
DOS Circular Letter No. 22 |
22-08-2023 |
Regarding the temporary suspension of all banking activities of Global Islami Bank Plc for the performance of data migration. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit, |
BFIU Circular Letter No- 01 |
21-08-2023 |
Regarding the proscription of activities of the militant group or organization named “Jamatul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya”. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Payment Systems Department, |
PSD Circular No. 09/2023 |
21-08-2023 |
Regarding PSP License of Sheba Fintech Ltd. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular No. 10 |
20-08-2023 |
Regarding loan rescheduling of shipbuilding industry. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Foreign Exchange Investment Policy, |
FEID Circular Letter No 5 |
10-08-2023 |
Opening and operations of Non-resident Investor’s Taka Accounts (NITAs) through online interactive web platform of ADs by Non-resident Bangladeshis (NRBs). |
Bangladesh Bank |
Foreign Exchange Operation, |
SPA Circular No.- 03 |
09-08-2023 |
Freight charges for exports and imports must be recorded using the Bangladesh Bank’s Online Export (OEMS) & Import Monitoring System (OIMS). |
Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular No. 09 |
07-08-2023 |
Taking thumb impression on loan related charge documents. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Agricultural Credit Department, |
06-08-2023 |
Agricultural & Rural Credit Policy and Program for the FY 2023-2024 |
Bangladesh Bank |
Foreign Exchange Policy, |
FE Circular Letter No 08 |
06-08-2023 |
Compliance of Income Tax Law, 2023 instead of Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 |
Bangladesh Bank |
Payment Systems Department, |
PSD Circular No. 08/2023 |
02-08-2023 |
Issuance of PSO license to DGepay Services Limited. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular Letter No. 15 |
26-07-2023 |
Implementation of programs for National Mourning Day 2023. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Financial Institutions and Markets Department, |
DFIM Circular Letter No. 16 |
26-07-2023 |
Inclusion of passing banking professional exam (former banking diploma examination) in the promotion policy of officers. |
Bangladesh Bank |
SME & Special Programmes Department, |
SMESPD Circular Letter No. 07 |
26-07-2023 |
Incentive facility for loans and advances provided to women entrepreneurs on CMSME sector. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Currency Management Department, |
DCM Circular No. 3 |
24-07-2023 |
Clean Note Policy of Bangladesh Bank. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Off-Site Supervision Department, |
DOS Circular Letter No. 20 |
24-07-2023 |
Modification of Basel III related rationalized input template (RIT) regarding capital adequacy. |
Bangladesh Bank |
Banking Regulation & Policy Department, |
BRPD Circular Letter No - 25 |
24-07-2023 |
Bangladesh Bank Company Act 2023 (amended) |
Bangladesh Bank |
Foreign Exchange Policy, |
FE Circular Letter No 07 |
23-07-2023 |
Export incentive against export In (Cut, Make and Trim) basis in RMG or textile sector |